Our Black Friday offers are here and they’re not just for one day.
From 18th November till 1st December, we giving you 25% off our new Attitude Collection, that means curls that last for even less! Does the Extra Confident take your fancy or maybe your dreaming of a Cheeky Chopstick Styler this Christmas? This is the time you might want to send a little hint email to your other half or parents 😉 These are also the perfect Christmas gifts for your bestie!
For all our US beauties, we’ve not forgetting about you. We thought we’d do Black Friday a bit more traditionally. How does the day after Thanksgiving sound? From 27th November till 20th December we are giving you $10 off both the Chunky and the Master Chopstick Styler so set those reminders.
Happy shopping and don’t forget to follow us @chopstickstyler on Insta / Facebook for all new updates and competitions